As the basic of subject for accounting, this course teaches the basic concepts and principles of accounting. Especially, it helps students lay the foundation for financial accounting and managerial accounting by including bookkeeping operational principles. A focus is placed on the accounting information system used to record, classify and summarize economic events systematically in order to provide reports in the form of financial statements.
The success of a business is ultimately decided in the market. Marketing is an activity designed to create and maintain a customer base for success in the market. This course aims to help students gain a basic understanding of the concept of marketing and to cultivate their ability to grasp and solving marketing-related problems as would-be business managers. In addition, they familiarize themselves with marketing strategies and the managerial aspects of the marketing mix.
This course aims to help students build the ability to design a model-based system through scientific analysis and research concerning the concepts, skills and processes required for rational operation of organizations. Additionally, students study all of the practical matters associated with putting a design into practice. The major content of the course includes quantitative approaches, such as sales forecasts, production control, inventory control, facility planning, quality and process control, and conceptual management techniques, such as JIT, TQC, Lean, etc.
In this course, students study the basic knowledge about human behavior in a group or an organization as well as organizational management. This course deals with diverse subjects, such as personality and motivation, small group dynamics, communication, decision-making, leadership, organizational structure design, etc.
This course deals with the structure and function of the management information system (MIS) that collects, stores, retrieves and processes information, which is a crucial resource for modern-day management. This provides them with the appropriate users in a suitable form at an opportune time. The subject includes research on the structure and function of computers, which is a means of realization of MIS, the transaction processing system, which is a type of MIS, the information reporting system, the decision-making support system and the experts system, which is the most recent research area.
This is an introductory course in financial management. The course deals with the following basic theories concerning corporate investment and financial decision making: present value theory, capital budgeting theory, the theory of investment decision making in an uncertain situation, and capital asset pricing theory.
This course deals with an understanding of basic phenomena of the economy, price functions in resource allocation under the market economy system, income distribution, the fixing of the national income level and the associated fluctuations, international trade and the international account of balance, economic development, the government’s role in settlement of economic problems, etc.
In this course, students study the basic mathematical theories, including the concept of functions and differential and integral calculus, probability theory, etc., which form the basis of the mathematical methodologies used frequently in various areas of business administration.
This course deals with the fist phase (Statistics-1) of statistical methods that is basically required in the decision-making process for the settlement of problems in an uncertain corporate situation. It helps students understand ways for the collection, compilation and analysis of materials and to apply the theory to real problems.
This course aims to teach the basic concepts required for the provision of accounting information used by the manager to set up managerial plans and carry out the business of control in the face of changes in the manufacturing environment. Students also design evaluative systems. The course also helps students to apply prepared accounting information to real decision making scenarios.
This course teaches the theoretical structure of work-level corporate accounting, with the focus on financial accounting standards, while helping students acquire the knowledge required to solve real accounting problems under the accounting-related regulations.
This course aims at in-depth study of financial accounting, in addition to helping students acquire knowledge that can be linked with high-end accounting. Students come to understand the methods for drawing up financial statements, asset appraisal, revenue/expense recognition, price-flexibility accounting and other concrete accounting methods.
Marketing begins with determining consumer desire and ends with ascertaining whether the consumer is satisfied. For successful customer-oriented marketing, it is important to have a clear understanding of the customer purchase decision making process and the factors that impact on it. This course focuses on a review of such a process through the analysis of relevant fields, such as sociology, psychology, and cultural anthropology.
This course deals with the theories and techniques concerning the collection of materials required for rational decision making and their scientific analysis and interpretation under the present-day corporate environment, where the inherent uncertainties are increasing. It also carries out practical sessions in which the relevant theories and techniques are applied to real situations.
In this course, the object of the research is the comprehensive analysis of logistical systems that bridge production and marketing and the methods of management of such. The course adopts multilateral approaches to the optimal ways for smooth distribution through corporate pipelines as well as quantitative approaches, including inventory management models, transportation network models and location models.
These lectures target service organizations. Their content includes economic conditions, organizational design, location, layout of service facilities, service process design, manpower management, automation, service quality measurement and management, information system, etc.
This course focuses on the functions of personnel management and its developmental process, traditional management methods, human relations theory, behavioral science approach, comparison of the different ways of strategic human resource management, the overall personnel business procedure ranging from recruitment to retirement and the measures for human resources development.
This course teaches the basic concepts and managerial principles of modern-day businesses as basic subjects of business administration. In addition, helping students gain a comprehensive understanding of sales, production, accounting, finance and personnel affairs, which are major functional areas of modern corporate management. In this course, students also study the development of business administration, its system and corporate forms.
In this course, students learn managerial decision making techniques based on quantitative approaches that are absolutely required in complicated modern-day corporate management (computer-based optimal linear models are used to find solutions to real managerial problems). The first half of the course includes linear programming, transportation, assignment models, PERT/CPM, etc., while the latter half includes goal programming, queuing, dynamic programming, simulation, etc.
This course teaches the communications skills required by job-seeking students.
This course teaches the communications skills required by job-seeking students.
This course helps students acquire the information and communications skills that businesses (particularly business administration majors’ preferred ones, such as financial institutions, manufacturing businesses, and foreign-based (global) businesses) find useful.
This course teaches the communications skills required by job-seeking individual students.
This course covers management techniques, the ideological foundation of modern capitalism, the logic and system of a market economy, and the essence of business and corporate ethics. It helps students understand representative writings in the relevant fields and to establish their ideologies through mutual discussions and the presentation of dissertations.
This course teaches students how to use the management and control system in connection with changes in the environment, how to produce and apply the accounting information required to carry out the control of a business and obtain performance measurements, use the activity-based costing system and the agency theory, etc.
This course helps students understand that tax-related matters serve as an important factor in corporate decision making. It deals with the process of readjusting corporate profits calculated in corporate accounting as taxable income under the relevant tax regulations, the decisions made with tax taken into account, how to deal with corporate tax under the deferred accounting system and international tax agreements.
This course focuses on outside audits carried out by a certified public accountant to prove whether a business’s financial statements indicate its true financial status. Students learn about newly development aspects, such as audit criteria and procedures (including appraisal of the internal control structure), adoption of statistical techniques, processing of electronic materials, audit of consolidated financial statements, etc.
This course concerns the theories and techniques of securities investment in a capital market. Its content includes the general functions and structure of a capital market, the theories concerning the selection of securities and deciding on prices amid uncertainties, the portfolio theory concerning the diversification of risk, the application of theories and their limitations.
This course discusses the function and efficiency of the financial market and makes an in-depth analysis of the financial products and securities available in the financial market. It also highlights how interest rates, which play the most important role in the financial markets, are fixed, as well as their relevant structures.
with the recent opening of the county’s economy, international foreign exchange transactions are becoming common and efficient foreign exchange management has emerged as an urgent managerial task. In step with such a change in the economic environment, this course deals with the foreign exchange rate mechanism and theories, the measurement and management of exchange risk, international investment decisions, international fund supply decisions and international taxation.
This course aims to help students understand promotional activities, which are an essential part of corporate operations, from a theoretical and managerial perspective. The focus is placed on the theory and practice of advertising and communications as well as the marketing and communications-related aspects of advertising.
Sales are the final stage of business activities and the most important stage that decides corporate profit. This course aims to apply marketing principles to real world business scenarios and help students to study sales planning, sales budget establishment, sales organization, sales personnel recruitment and training, motivation, the setting of sales target and the allocation of regions, customer management, analysis of sales expenses and performance.
This course helps students to determine the position of phenomena from the aspect of operational efficiency of an organizational process and to learn ways of distributive and integrative negotiations that can apply such a theory to real situations. It also teaches them how to reach a win-win agreement through simulations, by designating the content of negotiation-related issues, understanding the difference in positions, time limitations, structural rights, etc., as structural parameters.
This course covers the theory and practice of corporate culture that became the focus of attention in the 1980s, in addition to dealing with the appearance of corporate culture, its significance, function, mechanism of formation, and process of change. Students are also encouraged to study the relevant theories, such as anthropology, psychology, and the science of communication and to build the ability for application and practice through the study of cases of managerial innovation.
This course focuses on the study of the issues concerning the components of organizations and the changes in organizational culture in connection with the need to build an organization that can flexibly cope with an uncertain environment. It also deals with the need for organizational changes centered on human acts, with the aim of having individual components’ objectives correspond to the organization’s objectives. In this course, students also learn the guidelines on organizational behavior in order to better cope with their globalized surroundings.
This course deals with labor relations, the types and characteristics of labor unions, the background, significance and history of the labor movement, and the measures to be taken for improved relations with workers for management rationalization.
In this course, students learn to design an organization able to cope with the changes in its environment from the perspective of macroprudential organizational behavior. First of all, they study how an efficient organization is defined and familiarize themselves with the parameters that should be considered to achieve such an objective. They also study how organizational theory should change organically, in accordance with the development of information/communications technology, as well as the process of growth and innovation of organizations.
In this course, students learn about the basic legal knowledge related to the taxes that a business should pay to the state and the local administrative unit concerning its managerial activities, such as corporate tax, income tax, VAT, inheritance to tax law (its basic concept and characteristics), the requirements for constitution of tax liability (tax obligor, objects of taxation, taxation criteria, rates of taxation), and tax-related administrative procedures (fixation of tax liability, forcible collection, punishment of tax evaders and its procedure).
In this course, students learn the designation and application of mathematical models, using micro and macroeconomic theories, for the analysis of economic issues relating to corporate management. They also study demand measurement, consumption theory, operation of a price-profit margin system, and market structure.
This course deals with public polices from the perspective of rational corporate acts and welfare economics, how to define market structure, the effects and causal relationships of corporate acts based on the microeconomic theory, particularly production theory, market structure theory and game theory, and application of the theories to monopolies or oligarchies in real world scenarios for theoretical composition and realistic applicability of anti-monopoly policies, including the Fair Trade Act.
This subject helps students understand the correlations between corporate managerial decision making and diverse international business environments in the era of globalization. Students also learn the outline of the economic, political and cultural environment that Korean businesses are faced with, along with the management theories, systems and institutions needed for international business management. Finally, they learn about the organizations and strategies of multinationals and their marketing management an investment decisions.
This module is regarded as the final subject in Financial Accounting. In this course, students acquire knowledge about business groups’ consolidated financial statements, amalgamated accounting and non-profit organizations and governmental accounting.
This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to grasp realistic problems and find solutions to them from the perspective of accounting processing.
This course aims to help students analyze and understand bonds and interest rate derivatives. Students study the relationships between the following factors: bond prices and yields, spot interest rates, leading interest rates and maturity rates as well as the duration of bond prices against interest rates, the sensitivity index of convexity, the fixation of the price of derivatives based on the interest rate binominal tree model and decision making based on the interest rate period structure.
This course deals with the theories concerning businesses’ financial decisions, such as dividend policies and proper capital structure, based on financial management.
This course deals with the theories concerning new financial products, such as financial futures, options and other derivatives (whose importance is becoming more and more pronounced), the structure of their market, and their functions. Students also study the relevant systems suitable to the country through research of cases in foreign countries.
In this era of borderless competition, the country’s businesses regard their insufficient marketing ability as their most serious problem. As the world appears to condense, cultural, social or political differences might pose a stumbling block to the marketing activities of businesses. This course helps students to look at the marketing activities of businesses. This course them with theories on international management under the circumstances where globalization and economic blocs prevail.
This course helps students set up plans for their future careers. Students set right their prejudices and erroneous assumptions. They are encouraged to understand changes in the job market and the demise of traditional jobs and think how to practically cope with the situation. Students also study how jobs change and reorganization occurs and to use this information to cultivate their future careers, get a grasp of the market for hidden jobs and come up with creative ways of searching for jobs. The course also stresses the importance of individual students’ transferable skills and inherent strengths. It makes individual students go through a process discovering their inherent strengths and drawing up a report based on them. It addition, it encourages students to look for jobs and workplaces suited to them. The course coaches students in the drawing up of a resume or self-introductory letter that stresses their strengths. It informs students of ways of leaving a good impression on the would-be employer in an interview or to introduce themselves as valuable job candidates. In the course, students think about job allocation at a workplace in connection with his/her lifetime career plan by keeping in mind that getting a job is not the end of his/her attempt for cultivation of their future career. The discuss economic and financial freedom and study how to switch their status from a business employee to the owner of a startup. They are also encouraged to focus on their individual strengths as the basis for their successful future career by studying exemplary examples of career exploration in the biographies of Andrew Carnegie.
This course gives students an overview of modern-day leadership theories and how a leadership model should be tailored to a real life situation from a micro/macro-prudential perspective. Students are also encouraged to observe how efficient leaders react in specific situations and to learn from this. Students also produce their own leadership models based on what effective leaders do.
This course provides students with an opportunity to apply the business administration theories they have learned to a real situation in a business and build their working-level skills.
In this course, students apply the business administration theories they have learned to a real situation in a business and build their working-level skills.
In this course, students apply the business administration theories they have learned to a real situation in a business and build their working-level skills.
In this course, students apply the business administration theories they have learned to a real situation in a business and build their working-level skills.
This course covers the methods of management-related decision making based on the knowledge and techniques provided by various relevant fields. The course is comprised of lectures and case studies of businesses’ short- and long-term policies, methods of corporate control, appraisal of corporate activities and businesses’ long-term plans.
Classes are carried out in a students-led way. Students in small groups designate their business management study subjects, analyze problems in a site-oriented way, and present alternatives.
This course provides students with an opportunity to apply leadership theories in a real world situation by encountering realistic problems and finding solutions for them.
The globalization of corporate management is a major change the country’s economy is going through. International projects accompanied by capital investment and local production are spreading throughout the domestic industry. In connection with such a background, this course deals with the theories and real cases concerning Korean businesses operating in foreign countries.
This course provides an opportunity for the in depth analysis and prediction of the future development of the rapidly growing e-Commerce service sector and its relevant platform technology, along with real cases. An introductory course for e-Business majors, it asks students to interpret and deal with e-Business, which offers a new business paradigm, from the perspective of business administration majors. Students are also asked to analyze the impact e-business has had on business management, in general, in consideration of the fact that the development of e-business has led to a shift in the paradigms of various business management-related areas.
In business management activities, knowledge about computers and their use has become an everyday matter. In connection with such a background, this course covers the use of software concerning the business management environment and the settlement of management-related matters using such software. Students analyze stock market-related materials with the use of Excel and MS Access that they learned in Basics and Application of Office Work, during their freshman year.
This course helps students understand the basic phenomena of the economy, international trade, the international account of balance, economic development, the resource allocation function of price in a market economy system, income distribution, national income level, and the government’s role in the settlement of economic problems.
This course helps students build the ability to classify businesses’ economic activities, carry out accounting and keep financial statements using accounting computer software as befits this era of information technology.
This course helps students establish a conceptual framework for the recognition and settlement of problems by means of system-based approaches for the effective understanding of the complicated problems inherent to modern society. In addition, they learn how to apply their knowledge to real world situations through case studies. In the course, students use information engineering methodologies and management information systems concerning system planning, analysis and design.
A freshman course, this covers the business ethics a business administration major should keep in mind. The course provides students with the opportunity to listen to the opinions of business dignitaries concerning the choice of their future career and to make forecasts related to specialized fields. Grades are divided into a simple pass of fail.
In connection with the fact that a startup is an important choice in career development, this course deals with the matters concerning the exploration of business opportunities, the productive use of such and the need for accumulation of resources. The course helps students to become aware of the situations and problems that occur in the course of starting up a business as well as arming them with the basic knowledge with which to solve such problems. Students also acquire the mindset, behavior and attitude that those starting up a business need to have. Students are expected to gain a grasp of the entire process of successful startup operations.
This course focuses on the methods of appraisal of corporate value through the analysis of future profitability and risks based on an understanding of the financial statements of business. Classes are carried out in the following three directions: first, discussions are held about the connectivity of financial parameters with corporate value based on a review of the structure and content of financial statements; second, the basic framework and techniques for the analysis of financial statements is covered; third, case presentations are given that appraise corporate value based on the analysis of their financial statements.
In this era of information technology, the storing, management and use of information have become crucial factors to the sucess of a business. This course helps students deal with diverse subjects concerning database management, which is an important skill for a modern-day business carrying out e-business, in addition to having them study basic database-related theories and practice and learn about the relevant updated information technology.
This course aims to help students grasp the internal information systems used by businesses through practice sessions. A focus is placed on the following:
The pricing of products or services is one of the most basic decisions made by a business. Marketing Out of the well-known 4Ps (Product, price, placement and promotion) in marketing management, only the price is the function that turns the consumer value produced or created through other areas into corporate value through a market economy. In addition to having a direct impact on corporate profits, price has an indirect impact on corporate profits through sales volumes and expenses, thus making the process of price fixing very complicated. In this course, students gain a systematic understanding of the elements for price fixing used by businesses through case discussions and the use of statistics.
This course deals with various topics relating to information and communications, which is an area of application of the management information system, for business administration and social science majors. It provides an analysis of the information/communications industry from the perspective of business administration and helps students understand the basic technical concepts relating to information and communications.
One of the key elements for the sucess of a modern-day business is to zero in on what is required by customers. Advertisements targeting an unspecified multitude of people do not bring about the expected effects any longer. Thus, it is necessary to provide products and services that meet customers’ requirements, ascertain whether customers are satisfied, and carry out customer management designed to make them loyal customers. This course deals with the issues concerning the identification of customers, how to captivate them, how to maintain a relationship with them, and how to carry out customer portfolio management.
In this course, students study the legal matters pertaining to businesses, such as their types, establishment and closure, fund supply, management organizations, legal status of shareholders and M&A, etc. The course helps students acquire cultural knowledge about the company Low. It is a must course for students aspiring to be a CPA, a tax accountant, a financial planner, an investment consultant, or a financial analyst.
In this course, students study the legal matters pertaining to business people, business acts, promissory notes, bills of exchange, checks and electronic notes. This course, along with Commercial Act-1, is a must for students aspiring to be a CPA.
In the past, Organizational Behavior used to be dealt with only generally. Micro Organizational Behavior applies the major theories and research on social psychology to the behaviors of individuals and groups within an organization. In this course, students explore the new area of micro-organizational behavior that infuse social psychology with organizational behavior. In addition, they explore the areas of motivation, groups and leadership, covered in the area of traditional organizational behavior, more deeply.
New product marketing can be divided into the development of innovate products and product management strategies. Development of a new product encompasses the entire process ranging from establishment of an idea to entry into a market through concept surveys, design, and test marketing. In this course, students discuss an overall area, covering brand/product/business portfolio management, and learn the techniques and theories concerning new product marketing management. They also learn the marketing strategies corresponding to the economic characteristics of innovative products associated with information technology and discuss some recent relevant cases.
This course deals with the basics concerning statistics and quantitative economics. The consumer choice model is then introduced to students (particularly for marketing majors) and time-series analysis (for finance majors), followed by three-dimensional Bayesian analysis of large-scale data.
This course explores the scientific rationale of marketing research for juniors and seniors in the School of Business Administration. It introduces data-based analysis methods that are more advanced than those used in marketing surveys and has students engage in practice sessions through STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning) and the 4Ps (Product, price, placement and promotion) of marketing, with the aims to provide a three-dimensional perspective concerning the understanding of markets and inform them of strategies for the application economic theories concerning price fixing and product differentiation.